
How To Improve Your Dog’s Reliability

Here are some of the most common complains I hear from dog owners:

• He purposely ignores me
• He only listens to me at home
• He knows better

Does he really know better? Or is he confused? At the end of every session I give my clients their homework, give them one week to do it, and ask them to be sure to practice in as many different environments as possible. Why? Because dogs don’t generalize! If you taught your dog to sit in your living room, it doesn’t mean that he is going to understand the command when you are on your front lawn. This is why it is absolutely crucial that we practice every command in different environments with different levels of distraction, starting with low levels of distraction.

Always carry high value treats with you when you are out and about with your dog. Don’t expect your dog to just do as asked without any rewards or anything that he or she would consider rewarding.

If your dog doesn’t listen, it could very well be that he doesn’t understand what you are asking of him. Repeating the command or raising your voice won’t help the situation. It’ll only confuse your dog and make him think that you are the one who needs help!

If you have been doing your homework and your dog is still not listening to you, then please contact me to make an appointment. There are other reasons that can affect a dog’s behavior and reliability.


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